Thursday 8 January 2015

January 2015

Life has been a struggle of late, unsurprisingly I've not been as engaged in the Word recently. And although I've been in attendance at church in body, my mind wanders, at best.

My bed has become my is the spot to which I return in dark times. It never helps, why do I always forget this? The Word is my safe place, the place that grows and saves me, the bright light in the dark, the sword to slay my demons...

With that in mind my aims for the rest of January are to complete my study of Jonah (only one day to go - I find it difficult to finish things) and begin an indepth study of Joel.

I found last year really ignited more of a passion in me for the Bible - instead of the "inch deep and mile wide" approach I'd favoured, I tried getting more deeply into one book at a time - I learned so much from my four-month long study of Romans and month of Jonah. I read both out loud to James and he learned so much (especially from Jonah, it is powerful what my then two-year-old took in). Our Jesse tree devotional throughout Advent was illuminating but difficult to read aloud and follow, so I'll search out a differently authored one for this Advent.

My other aim is to simply get up in the morning and wash and dress before breakfast (half past nine at the latest) and to nap as needed and stop taking out the grumps from a lack of sleep/broken sleep/insomnia out on my best beloved Hubs or our sweet little boy.

There are so many things I could add, goals I *need* to achieve but these are the ONLY two God has laid upon my heart for the coming weeks.

My son may be over three (and a 'big boy'), but his mama still needs baby steps.

1. Finish Jonah study and begin a study of Joel.
2. Get up, washed and dressed before breakfast (half past nine at the latest).

Prayer would be appreciated.

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